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How to achieve mass gain?

Mass gain is a sports program that aims to increase muscle volume. To do so, the athlete must take into account a certain number of elements that facilitate the development of his objective. So, what are the tips for controlled mass gain?
Hard gainers
Nutrition sportive
Comment réussir sa prise de masse ?

Mass gain is a sports program that aims to increase muscle volume. To do so, the athlete must take into account a certain number of elements that facilitate the development of his objective. So, what are the tips for controlled mass gain?

Contents :

  1. What is a mass gain
  2. Tips for getting a good mass gain
  3. Favorite foods
  4. An adapted sports program
  5. Food supplements for mass gain

    What is a mass gain

    Mass gain is an important step for an athlete who regularly practices bodybuilding. His goal is to increase muscle mass in order to transform his body. However, who says increase in muscle volume also says increase in fat content. This results in a dry period, where the objective will be to lose the fat accumulated during the mass gain.

    Weight gain, how does it work?

    To gain mass, the body and the muscles must be subjected to regular and intensive strength training. The goal is to provide enough effort to tear the muscle tissue so that it can rebuild itself later, but in a more solid and voluminous way. This reaction is called “muscular hypertrophy”.

    In order to reach this stage, the important thing is not only exercise but also diet, which will have to be much more consistent. Indeed, mass gain is based on a significant caloric surplus in order to obtain good results. However, there are several types of mass gain depending on your goals: classic mass gain, where caloric intake will be in excess, "dirty" mass gain, "dirty bulking" where the diet will be much less controlled, and finally, conversely, lean bulking, where the objective will be to gain as little fat as possible.

    Tips for getting a good mass gain

    Keep a diary of your goals and progress

    When carrying out a diet, it is always good to keep track of its progress through the development of a diary. The main thing is to monitor your weight gain in order to avoid excesses and health problems. Keeping a daily or weekly diary also helps you stay motivated by following a goal and noting your progress.

    Always recover well

    It is important to benefit from a good recovery every day because sport puts a strain on the body. This stage obviously involves good sleep, because this is the time when the body and the muscles have time to rebuild themselves. Effective physical recovery improves your performance results. Strength sports also put a strain on the nervous system, which is why relaxation of the brain and moments of calm are favored after the session in order to avoid exhaustion and mental fatigue.

    In order to allow the body to regenerate well, it is necessary to ensure that you have enough nutrients: carbohydrates to recharge its batteries and proteins for muscle growth and the synthesis of essential amino acids.

    Split meals

    It is sometimes difficult to achieve an effective calorie surplus. Thus, if you have difficulty eating well, you can split your meals, around 5 to 6 during the day. In addition, some applications can help you calculate your intake.

    Favorite foods

    To gain mass, the choice of foods is not necessarily complicated. The balance of macronutrients must always be respected. Because finally, the important thing is to increase the quantity of its contributions. Some foods are still effective in the context of mass gain, including good fats. Finally, staying well hydrated is always the basis of a good sports regimen.

    Example of foods to eat:

    • Oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, peanuts etc.)
    • Oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel etc.)
    • Eggs for proteins and lipids
    • Oils (olive, coconut oil)
    • Cheese and Greek yogurt
    • Meats (chicken, minced meat, pork)

    Adapted sports program

    Above all else, your mass gain training program must be set up meticulously. Even if you can't wait to see progress, there's no point in running because the increase in strength will come gradually. To do this, it is advisable to carry out 4 training sessions per week, alternating if possible, day of rest / day of exercise.

    Indeed, during this period your muscles will be very stressed and therefore require a longer recovery time. Breaks prevent injuries but also promote muscle growth thanks to the principle of overcompensation (to be defined).

    For beginner athletes, training the whole body is preferred. Polyarticular movements are recommended: they allow you to work several muscles at the same time, completely and quickly. It is the training which allows the reinforcement and the muscular growth in an effective way. Polyarticular movements are also the best way to work on the endurance of your heart.

    Squats, for example, are one of the best ways to build lower body mass.

    Example : 4/5 repetitions of strength with maximum weight/ 4 sets/ 3 minutes break between sets.

    Ps: Be careful not to neglect the warm-up in order to avoid the risk of injury.

    Food supplements for mass gain

    Creatine : among experienced athletes, creatine is no longer presented as its benefits on muscles and physical condition are recognized. It is a supplement that notably increases strength and lean muscle mass. Its contribution will allow you to increase your physical strength during your training and your series of intensive exercises.

    Musclemass - Hard gainer : thanks to its protein-carbohydrate synergy, this is the most effective formula for gaining muscle mass and strength. Its properties stimulate anabolism while giving energy to provide immediate and optimal effort.

    Cereals and Carbohydrates : Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are the ideal source of energy for achieving your mass gain. Real fuels for our brain and our muscles, they allow you to perform during your intense strength sessions. Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles in the form of glycogen, its level must be high depending on the intensity of the physical activity envisaged.

    Native whey : fast-absorbing protein intake is essential after your workout in order to take advantage of the anabolic window: a key moment to stimulate muscle mass gain and facilitate recovery.

    Type I collagen : collagen intake can help you prevent the risk of injury and protect muscles and tendons during intense strength efforts. It also gives the skin firmness and suppleness and preserves the integrity of the skeleton.

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    Nutrition sportive
    Prise de masse

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    Bien choisir ses compléments
    Nutrition sportive
    Quel gainer choisir pour votre prise de masse ?

    Which Gainer to choose for your mass gain?

    To build muscle in a sustainable way, mass gain is mandatory. This consists of ingesting a higher number of calories than normal to gain weight. Mass gain can last several months and follows a so-called “dry” period where the body burns fat to retain only the caloric intake necessary for muscle development.

    Which Gainer to choose for your mass gain?

    To build muscle in a sustainable way, mass gain is mandatory. This consists of ingesting a higher number of calories than normal to gain weight. Mass gain can last several months and follows a so-called “dry” period where the body burns fat to retain only the caloric intake necessary for muscle development.

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