Vitamins and omega 3: for a strengthened immune system

Bannière article compléments vitamines et oméga 3 pour la musculation

Vitamins and omega 3: for a strengthened immune system

Is it necessary to supplement with vitamins and omega 3? What does a multivitamin supplement do? We also discuss with you the deficiencies as well as the hormonal impact of vitamins.
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26 années déjà. Nutrimuscle, le combat continue

26 years already. Nutrimuscle, the fight continues

Nutrimuscle has been supporting you for many years now thanks to quality products. We meet the needs of all athletes.
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bannière article patate douce musculation

Sweet potato to improve sports performance and health

Sweet potato is a food of choice because of its unique nutritional benefits. This nutrient-dense starch has many benefits when consumed: it can help improve athletic performance, recover faster, and maintain overall good health.
Les enzymes digestives : ce qu'il faut savoir

Digestive enzymes: what you need to know

According to a study by the IFOP in 2021, nearly one in two French people suffer from digestive disorders. The causes of these disorders are multiple: excessively industrial diet, chronic diseases, development of intolerances, etc. In order to strengthen your digestive system, it is important to understand how it works. Indeed, a large part is based on enzymes, catalysts found in the digestive organs.
Tout savoir sur ses compléments
avantages sport citrate de magnesium

Magnesium citrate: what are the benefits for sport?

Magnesium is a macro-element responsible for many functions within the body, including the reduction of fatigue. Very useful for health as in sport, magnesium is found in different forms, including in the form of citrate. What are the advantages of this form for the athlete and why is it important to complement each other? We tell you all about this exceptional mineral for health and sports performance.
Nutrition santé
Nutrition sportive
Les minéraux pour bien réussir la rentrée

Minerals for a successful back-to-school season

According to ANSES, minerals represent 4% of body weight. Just like vitamins, minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body and its athletic performance. These micronutrients are present in small quantities in our body, so it is important to supplement in addition to a rich and balanced diet.  
Les compléments alimentaires pour bien réussir votre rentrée

Food supplements for a successful return to school

This year, you may not have progressed as you hoped due to injury, pain, poor recovery, or simply insufficient protein intake. Supplementing your diet can help you overcome deficiencies, general fatigue and maintain your physical progress. Here is the list of food supplements that will support you in your health and sports goals.
Nutrition sportive
Bannière article bienfaits ghee

Ghee butter: how to use it and what are its benefits?

Ghee butter is based on the use of pure butterfat. It is a commonly used product in India and increasingly popular in the West. Its benefits on digestion and the ability of this type of butter to withstand cooking at high temperatures have made it famous.
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Recette : gaufres protéinées

Recipe: Protein Waffles

Discover our recipe for egg protein waffles
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Recette : pizza à la patate douce

Recipe: sweet potato pizza

Check out our sweet potato pizza recipe!
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Recipe: protein muffins with pistachio raspberries

Discover our recipe for protein muffins with pistachio raspberries!
Recette : snack sain beurre de cacahuètes

Recipe: healthy peanut butter snack

Discover our snack recipe: peanut butter, pecan, caramel!
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