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Successfully rebalancing your diet

Nutrimuscle reveals 10 habits to integrate into your typical day to feel less tired and more efficient.
Nutrition sportive
lya bavoil

For many, dietary rebalancing rhymes with diet. In reality, a dietary rebalance consists of modifying certain of our habits to allow us to be healthier. Eating better in the long term helps you lose weight, although the primary objective of a nutritional rebalancing program remains maintaining healthy habits.

When starting a nutritional rebalancing program, it is important to know the elements of success as well as the elements of failure in order to achieve your goals.

Nutrimuscle reveals 10 habits to integrate into your typical day to feel less tired and more efficient.

1 – Hydrate well

On average, we need 1.5 liters to 2.5 liters of water per day. To this, we add 1 liter of water per hour of sport practiced during the day. Without sufficient daily water intake, sports performance declines and health complications can arise.

2 – Consume fiber

Fiber helps maintain the health of our microbiota. They become engorged with water during digestion and increase the volume of stools. They also accelerate transit and slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol, which is beneficial for our cardiovascular health.

Foods rich in fiber are mainly fruits and vegetables but also whole grains such as wholemeal bread, as well as sweet potatoes. Sweet potato flour is a natural source of carbohydrates and very rich in fiber. It therefore promotes digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

For a greater fiber intake, discover nutri-fibers .

3 – Avoid industrial foods

Processed foods are high in poor quality fats, added sugars and additives that are potentially harmful to our health. It is advisable to avoid them as much as possible and to cook with foods that are as fresh and natural as possible. It's common that we don't want to cook when we get home from the day due to a lack of time. However, it is a bad habit and a common misconception. It is possible to cook a healthy meal in just a few minutes. Your meal will then be balanced, and you can take the opportunity to prepare your meal for the next day at midday, doubling the quantities in the evening.

Some healthy recipes to make quickly right here:

  • Recipe: barley and feta pancakes – Nutrimuscle
  • Recipe: protein tortillas – Nutrimuscle
  • Recipe: Buckwheat and feta muffins – Nutrimuscle

  • 4 – Promote homemade products

    As you will have understood, industrial foods are known to be foods rich in salt, additives and calories. Cooking yourself therefore allows us to reduce the fat in our diet while integrating good fats, namely unsaturated fatty acids, such as oils and plant foods or fatty fish.

    5 – Practice regular physical activity

    The ideal is to start slowly and increase the frequency and intensity gradually. For the most experienced, good knowledge of your body and its capabilities is essential to progress.

    6 – Consume enough protein

    Proteins have a satietogenic effect, which reduces the feeling of hunger while providing essential nutrients to the body but also to the muscular, skin, immune and digestive levels. Foods high in protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, low-fat milk and dairy products, beans, lentils, nuts, etc.

    A lack of protein can cause water retention, hair loss and weight problems due to low satiety, leading to frequent cravings.

    This article will help you find the proteins you need according to your goals: How to choose the right proteins? – Nutrimuscle 

    7 – Do not restrict your diet

    When you restrict yourself, a feeling of frustration forms, your feeling of hunger increases and you will tend to consume foods that are quite substantial and rich in fat. The ideal is therefore to eat when your body needs it, that is to say, when you are hungry. On the other hand, you must know how to differentiate between hunger and desire so as not to eat according to your emotions.

    8 – Don’t skip meals

    By skipping meals, your hunger increases and you will tend to eat a larger quantity at the next meal. This habit will gradually lead to weight gain. If you are not very hungry, do not skip meals but reduce your quantities. Your meal will always be balanced while being adapted to your needs. You can also reduce the number of meals per day by increasing your quantities, or conversely, increase the number of meals by eating smaller quantities. It all depends on your needs and goals.

    9 – Don’t neglect sleep

    The need for sleep is relative to each person. However, sleeping less than 6 hours per night is insufficient for our body and leads to disorders such as an increase in hunger and an appetite for caloric products, which risks promoting weight gain. An adult must sleep between 6 and 8 hours to be fully rested and in great shape the next day. Good, regular sleep is necessary for good recovery and achieving your goals without injury.

    ZMB will help you optimize your recovery by improving the quality of your sleep.

    10 – Don’t force yourself to finish your meal

    By eating without feeling hungry, you increase your daily calorie intake, which will cause you to gain weight. Continuing to eat when you feel full leads to nausea and a disgust for food can also form and affect our long-term health.

    Did you like this article? Discover What is healthy and balanced nutrition? – Nutrimuscle 

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