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Micellar casein for fat loss

What is micellar casein? How can it be beneficial for fat loss? How to take it to lose weight? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.
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La caséine micellaire pour perdre de la graisse

What is micellar casein? How can it be beneficial for fat loss? How to take it to lose weight? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.

micellar casein for fat loss

If you are looking to cut, that is to say lose fat while trying to keep your muscle mass, avoid diets based on the reduction of caloric intake. Generally, these diets will help you lose weight by sacrificing your muscle capital. You will therefore have lost muscle and not necessarily fat.

To be successful in cutting, you need to focus on your protein intake. Indeed, it is the proteins that prevent the destruction of muscle fibers (catabolism) and stimulate their construction (anabolism). By promoting anabolism and limiting catabolism, protein elevates your metabolism and therefore the rate at which you burn fat.

In addition, consuming protein allows you to have a greater satiety effect and therefore helps you to space out your meals more.

If you're looking to lose fat while maintaining muscle, the ideal protein is micellar casein .

What is casein?

Cow's milk contains 20% whey and 80% casein. Whey is whey protein or “whey” which is the liquid part of milk. Casein is the protein present in the majority in milk and constitutes its solid and insoluble part.

What is micellar casein?

There are two types of casein:

Caseinates (sodium or magnesium) are old forms of casein, extracted with sulfuric acid. These proteins are poorly digestible and under-dosed in leucine: the most anabolic amino acid.

Micellar casein is simply the casein found naturally in milk. On the protein powder market, there are micellar casein concentrates or micellar casein isolates. Micellar casein isolate is a much purer protein.

“Dry” diet: how to lose weight with micellar casein?

How Casein Helps You Lose Fat

Micellar casein is a protein that assimilates much more slowly than whey. It therefore provides the muscles with amino acids in a constant and prolonged manner. This then makes it possible to keep an elevated anabolism over several hours and to facilitate the burning of fat over this period. In summary, you keep your muscles while burning more fat.

Micellar casein is digested slowly, so it provides an appetite suppressant effect that allows you to space your meals further apart and moderate your appetite (1). Thanks to these effects, you will optimize your weight loss.

How to take micellar casein for weight loss

Taking casein at strategic times throughout the day will make it easier for you to reach your weight loss goals.

Take your casein when you wake up to raise your anabolism, it will improve your fat burning and prevent you from snacking before lunch.

Snacking on your casein between meals will provide you with a long-lasting satiety effect and decrease your appetite at the next meal.

Take your casein after your workout to benefit from the accelerated fat oxidation caused by training for as long as possible. Your body will use lipids as a priority and the integrity of your muscle mass will be protected.

Take your casein at bedtime before sleeping to limit nocturnal catabolism (loss of muscle) and maintain your anabolism. This will allow you to maintain a metabolism favorable to fat loss.

Scientific References

(1) Lorenzen J. The effect of milk proteins on appetite regulation and diet-induced thermogenesis. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2012) 66, 622–627.

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Micellar casein for fat loss

What is micellar casein? How can it be beneficial for fat loss? How to take it to lose weight? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.

Micellar casein for fat loss

What is micellar casein? How can it be beneficial for fat loss? How to take it to lose weight? Nutrimuscle answers your questions.

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